"There ain't no doubt in no one's mind
That love's the finest thing around
Whisper something soft and kind
And hey babe the sky's on fire, I'm dyin'
Ain't I goin' to Carolina in my mind"
That love's the finest thing around
Whisper something soft and kind
And hey babe the sky's on fire, I'm dyin'
Ain't I goin' to Carolina in my mind"
-the amazing jt
Josh and I took a north country road trip this Memorial Day weekend. I have more photos ready to be uploaded from our visit with Auntie Razz and Uncle Terry, but Holden woke up from his nap. Hooray for a two hour power nap!
I love these shots of my parents and their boys, and it's fitting that this James Taylor song came on pandora as I uploaded these pics. Thank you both to Mom and Dad for my fine taste in music.