Sunday, August 15, 2010

checking in and checking out...

Hey everyone!

That time of year has rolled around...RA training is beginning on Tuesday, so I basically go into hiding from the outside world until after move-in day. I'm anticipating this year will be even more so than the last because when I'm not with my RAs, I'll probably be sleeping (or eating!). I seem to do a lot of both lately...So, if I don't return your phone calls or emails, it's not because I don't love you... I'm probably just scratching my head to think of what I'm forgetting to do at the moment...Thank goodness I've been at UNH three years already.

I couldn't resist not posting this picture of my sweet nephew to sign off my blogging hiatus. I hope everyone who reads this has a great last two weeks of summer. I know I will. I am beyond excited about my new RAs, all of whom could not be any more kind and sweet.

It's gonna be a good year. 
