We've been doing a lot of driving these days...and it's given me the time to reflect on how I'm feeling about leaving UNH. The words bittersweet truly do sum it up. I'm happy and excited to be starting our new life, but I will miss this place. I know I would have been leaving in May anyway, and professionally, I would have rather not have left mid-year. Alas, with a baby in the mix, my priorities have shifted, and
I'm okay with that.
It doesn't mean I can't be a little sentimental though...
So here are a few of my favorite images over the past few years. Trust me it was agonizing to choose...so in the end, I just went with the ones that spoke to my feelings right now and what I'm going to miss...
This one above made me bawl like a baby. For a little back story, this is from a photo shoot of an RA staff. Johnny's actually. We had this shoot planned for a while, but about a week or so before the shoot, their hall community had a student death that rocked the campus. Johnny decided the photo shoot was just what they needed, full of teambuilders, laughing, and just focusing on them.
I was just the one behind the camera, but I felt so fortunate and moved to be a part of this healing process.
I'm going to miss having my camera at these fun events...capturing laughter, craziness, and getting to know each others.
I'm going to miss my friends.
A lot.
I feel blessed to have worked with such funny, down-to-earth co-workers, and I couldn't have asked for better supervisors who push us to find our niche and give us such autonomy.
My approximately 1100 students from UNH have been pretty awesome. Filled with great conversations, career guiding, silly floor wars competitions, and sharing their lives with Josh, Holden and me.
Thank you!
And finally...
Thank you to my RAs over the years. I have enjoyed supervising you all, and many of you have become life-long friends to each other and to our little family.
My Hunter RAs: You are going to be incredible next semester. You have already done great things, and I know the spring is going to be a lot of fun for you. I'm leaving this place in good hands.
Here we go.
Thank you UNH.
Now Holden would like to add something...
I'm going to miss my first floor girls a lot, and running up and down the hall in my walker. My mom's going to miss all the babysitters too!