Wednesday, March 16, 2011

the best "vacation" of my life

It's getting to be about that time for me to go back to work. Thankfully I live where I work, so I'll be able to still have plenty of time with Holden while getting some adult interaction regularly. These past few months have felt like a bit of a blur. How did this little bitty peanut get to be two months old? I'm sure I'm going to be saying that at every month, every birthday, and I'm going to bawl like a baby when I drop him off at college...

Here are a few of my favorite snaps throughout these past couple of weeks.

 one week.
Look at that tiny chest! Not so tiny anymore...

two weeks.

three weeks.

one month and a few days.

 six weeks.

 two months.

I don't know where the time has gone but I know it's been good. 
Love you, HoHo. 
Be good for your babysitters. 
